Shirts Starting At $24.95
Presenting the Programming, Motherfucker T-Shirts, Now in "Optimized" and "Less Optimized" editions featuring Rot13 encryption to tastefully hide the curse words from your evil overlords.

Buy This Motherfucker Now
Optimized Edition
Want to feel good about being a Programming, Motherfucker but want to keep your job or avoid jail time? This edition uses Rot13 to cleverly obfuscate the slogan so that people will be compelled to ask you what it means, but only hardcore usenet readers and ancient Romans can read it.

Buy The Optimized One Now
Less Optimized!
Still want your obfuscated statement to say it's about programming? This edition only optimizes the fuck out of "Motherfucker" and points people to

Buy The Less Optimized One Now
The Deets
- High quality American Apparel shirts.
- Prices starting at $24.95 USD.
- T-shirts, "girly" fitted t-shirts, v-necks, long sleeves, and hoodies.
- Small, Medium, Large, Xtra Large, and 2Xtra Large.
- Colors
- Note: not all colors available for all styles, and some color combos may not display the image correctly but should be good enough.
Buy The Original Version
Buy The Optimized One
Buy The Less Optimized One
This bad ass website and T-shirt designed by Codegram